Ep. 140 – Tips to Find Your Homestead Property – with Kerry Brown

With tough times, more people are looking for homestead property, or to add gardens, fruit and nut trees, and chickens to their existing suburban property to be more self sufficient.

Kerry Brown of Strong Roots Resources joins me to share tips to find your homestead property.

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Homestead properties to look for

  • Look for off-market properties.
  • Properties are selling before they show up in Zillow or MLS.
  • Contact your network of folks, like realtors to give you a heads up when something is coming available.
    • If you are in the Tennessee area, Kerry recommends Marcie and Jeff Yadon. On FB as on fb as Marcie n Jeff Yadon or email: [email protected]

Is an intentional Community right for you?

  • Intentional Communities
    • Some have a membership model or you can live there seasonally.

Resources to find homestead property

  • FB Group – Homestead Roommates
  • TSP Land Group on Telegram
  • Permies SKIP program on Permies.com

What to consider when looking at a property:

  • Water source
  • Access
  • Solar aspect
  • Foraging and trees – what is on there now?
  • Suburban tips:
    • Look at space and think of “what else could that be used for?” (stack functions)
    • Avoid HOAs
    • Don’t discount garage space (like for aquaculture).

Contact Kerry Brown of Strong Roots Resources for a property permaculture consultation, property walk, pre-purchase property assessment, and Wild Edible and Medicinal plant, tree and shrub ID.

strong roots resources

If you like this content and the podcast, here is how you can support the podcast and my Thriving empire of side hustles:

  • Shoot me a tip on Venmo or CashApp @ThrivingtheFuture.
  • Go to the Stuff page on Thriving the Future site and buy something.
  • OR – click on one of the Amazon links on the Stuff page and then buy your other stuff that you want. Anything you buy on Amazon for 24 hours will give Thriving the Future a credit (a Piece of the Action).
  • Buy comfrey crowns or cuttings on Grow Nut Trees. More trees will be available in Sept.
  • Go to my other site AllGardenAdvice.com – Gardening Ideas and Tips, and check out the articles and stuff.

Shameless plug – I have hazelnut and elderberry available at Grow Nut Trees. Buy now and they will ship in Sept/Oct.

I grow chestnuts, hazelnuts, elderberry, mulberry, and comfrey that are adapted to the Midwest. They will do better on your place if you live in the Midwest.

grow nut trees, elderberry
