Ep. 68 – Jason Snyder of Doomer Optimism on Homesteading and Localism

Is homesteading (and localism) a form of retreat from society?

It can lead down a lonely path if you do not also develop community.

Jason Snyder (@cognazor on Twitter) of Doomer Optimism Podcast joins me to talk about his recent tweet:

Positive steps to move forward with your homesteading, not “retreat”:

  • Get back in touch with your where you food comes from – grow your own food. You can be a localist, even in the city.
  • Plant as many fruit and nut trees as possible. Make passive food sources a common part of your city and homestead landscape. Jason knows a guy who grows out lots of nut trees in pots and gives them away.
  • Build community. Learn new skills. Share your skills, even if you are not an expert. We have a motto: “not an expert, but we’re still going to get stuff done.”
  • Help each other – work days and workshops. Jason relates how he is building community, forming a ‘barn raising’ group and helping each other on various homestead/farm projects. They recently had a workday/workshop helping a friend tear down an old trailer home.
  • We share our plans for 2023.

Let Jason’s pinned tweet be your goal for 2023:

Holistic Homesteading by Roxanne Ahern

We are having a contest drawing in Feb for a copy of Roxanne Ahern’s book “Holistic Homesteading”. For details, and to sign up for the drawing, go to Feb Contest – Holistic Homesteading.

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Elderberry cuttings, comfrey crowns and root cuttings are now available. Hurry – get the elderberry cuttings before they come out of dormancy!

Chestnut seeds for planting, chestnut seedlings, elderberry cuttings, comfrey crowns and root cuttings. Adapted to the Midwest.


Seeds and trees have “memory”. They thrived and reproduced in a certain climate.

Often when you buy chestnut trees or seeds online, you have to buy from nurseries in the Northeast or Southeast US, or the Pacific Northwest.

Take it from us, trees grown in those climates do not do well in Kansas.

Buying from our Kansas homestead, with nut trees grown and adapted to the Midwest, will make them much more likely to be successful on your homestead or in your yard.

Use coupon code “Thriver” at checkout for a 10% discount for Thriving the Future Podcast listeners!


Affiliate: The Smith-Homestead. They have handmade soap and candles, handcrafted items (Perpend and I like the alpaca wool caps – hand knitted by Homestead Padre himself, and lots more. If you use THRIVING as a coupon code at checkout you get 10% off.


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