Scott (@LittlePineCO on Twitter) has a homestead at 8K feet in CO. We talk about his homestead and challenges of setting up a homestead in Zone 4A.

We discuss his recent comment on the Men’s Forum on FarmHopLife Podcast about “Memetics is more important than Genetics”.
Memetics is transferring ideas through pictures and symbols. You commonly see it as a meme, but it is deeper than that. It can go viral, and, as we saw in 2020, can even reach the level of a “mind virus”.
We also compare it to transferring genes to your kids. How to transfer ideas to other groups and the next generation if you don’t have kids.
This is not the end of our content. There is much more on our Patreon!
Extras on Patreon:
- Memeing in the real world to signal or attract your tribe.
- Memeing and AI – May you live in interesting times.

Disclosure: I am a participant in the Amazon Associates Program. I make affiliate income based on your purchase(s), but you don’t pay extra.

How much potatoes or greens should you grow to be your primary food source? Not sure?
Download the Thriving Garden Planner spreadsheet. You put in the number of people and it tells you how much space, how many plants and seeds, and even the spacing.
Plus it can track your harvest and how much money you saved growing your own food.
In 2022, I grew 38 pounds of tomatoes. They are $3.49 a pound for heirloom tomatoes at the store. I grew $132 worth of tomatoes, saving on my food bill. I put all those up as 25+ pints of tomato sauce. I tracked all of this in the planner.
It’s available now on and use coupon code thriving for $5 off.
JOIN our Thriving the Future Patreon:
What you get for $5/month:
- Early episodes.
- Lots of extras, including outtakes.
- E-Book – “Are You A Trader or Are You a Gambler?”
- Free copies of e-books as they come available.
- Download the audio from our Community Chicken Planning workshop where we met and decided who was doing what, who was incubating chicks, and discussed our Rotating Rooster Strategy to add diversity to your community’s chicken flocks.
- Thriving Garden Planner spreadsheet. Included free with your Patreon subscription.

Elderberry cuttings, comfrey crowns and root cuttings are now available. Hurry – get the elderberry cuttings before they come out of dormancy!
Chestnut seeds for planting, chestnut seedlings, elderberry cuttings, comfrey crowns and root cuttings. Adapted to the Midwest.

Seeds and trees have “memory”. They thrived and reproduced in a certain climate.
Often when you buy chestnut trees or seeds online, you have to buy from nurseries in the Northeast or Southeast US, or the Pacific Northwest.
Take it from us, trees grown in those climates do not do well in Kansas.
Buying from our Kansas homestead, with nut trees grown and adapted to the Midwest, will make them much more likely to be successful on your homestead or in your yard.
Use coupon code “Thriver” at checkout for a 10% discount for Thriving the Future Podcast listeners!
Affiliate: The Smith-Homestead. They have handmade soap and candles, handcrafted items (Perpend and I like the alpaca wool caps – hand knitted by Homestead Padre himself, and lots more. If you use THRIVING as a coupon code at checkout you get 10% off.
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