Learn skills while using your abundance.
This is a Master Class on how to build a Nursery Side Hustle, with trees, plants, and flowers. It has tips that you can also use on your homestead to save and propagate trees and plants.
- Propagation – from seeds, cuttings, air layering, stool bed layering
- Obtaining seeds and plants
- How to forage, sprout, and transplant chestnuts
- Using geraniums as trap plants for Japanese beetles
- How to build a quick cold frame from pallets
Seeds have memory
Seeds and trees have “memory”. They thrived and reproduced in a certain climate.
Often when you buy trees, seeds, or plants online, you must buy from other states or regions. They often will not do well in your environment and climate.
I learned this the hard way that trees and plants grown in other areas and climates do not do well in Kansas.
Using Geraniums as trap plants for Japanese beetles
Grant has many stories about how he wheels and deals for plants as they come off of the season. He just bought a truck bed full of geraniums.
Did you know that Japanese beetles get temporarily paralyzed after eating geraniums? You can use these as a trap plant.
How to build a quick cold frame from pallets
As we approach the first frost, Grant created a quick cold frame with pallets and plastic. Using a black water container for heat retention at night. This gives a quick solution to extend the season into the winter without building a big greenhouse.
How to forage, sprout, and transplant chestnuts
I propagate chestnuts and hazelnuts from seed, storing them in buckets of sand in the winter until they sprout out, then moving them to 5 gallon buckets or tree pots.
For more info, here is a step by step: Grow Nut Trees – Grow Chestnuts from Seed – How to Forage, Sprout, and Transplant Chestnut
Propagating trees by air layering and stool bed layering, a nice alternative to grafting.
Come back next week for Part 2 of this discussion, where we talk about:
- Flowers, mums, and bulbs
- Propagating from cuttings – elderberry, mulberry, figs, berries.
- Did you know that figs are pollinated by a wasp, who dies in the flower and is absorbed?
- Where to sell – FB, ebay, craigslist, and popup a quick website.
Join the Thriving Patreon at Patreon.com/ThrivingtheFuture. You will get Part 2 of How to Build a Nursery Side Hustle without waiting until next week!
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Fall is the best time to plant a tree. The soil is still warm and you will get the most root growth. Four weeks left until first frost. #GetStuffDone.
Chestnut seeds for planting, chestnut seedlings, elderberry cuttings, comfrey crowns and root cuttings. Adapted to the Midwest.
Seeds and trees have “memory”. They thrived and reproduced in a certain climate.
Often when you buy chestnut trees or seeds online, you have to buy from nurseries in the Northeast or Southeast US, or the Pacific Northwest.
Take it from us, trees grown in those climates do not do well in Kansas.
Buying from our Kansas homestead, with nut trees grown and adapted to the Midwest, will make them much more likely to be successful on your homestead or in your yard.
Use coupon code “Thriving” at checkout for a 10% discount for Thriving the Future Podcast listeners!
Order now at GrowNutTrees.com
Get episodes early plus these Extras on Patreon:
- More content and outtakes, including extras.
- The bonus episode with Cyprian where he explains the small banking collapse and why it can be a risk for your crypto – even if you have it in a custodial wallet. Plus – what is a Cargo Cult?
- Listen in on our chicken workshop as we plan incubating, sharing eggs, and processing roosters. Plus our rotating rooster strategy to select for the best traits and to keep diversity in our flocks.

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