Ep. 113 – Finding Heirloom Apple Trees in Long Forgotten Homesteads

With Brendan from Posterity Ciderworks

Brendan from Posterity Ciderworks tells stories of how he finds neglected heirloom apple trees on long forgotten homesteads in California and uses them in his cider.

Arkansas Black apples ready to be turned into cider

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Posterity Ciderworks

(all images are courtesy Posterity Ciderworks)

Check out the current lineup at Posterity Ciderworks by clicking here

Apple Treasure Hunt

Brendan’s pics on Twitter were like watching an apple treasure hunt reality show.

scraggly apple trees

Posterity Cider on Twitter/X

October bounty of apples

Quince – the Homesteaders Secret

Did you know that heritage homesteads had 1 or 2 Quince trees – to be used to create pectin for jams and jellies – before store bought pectin.

This is what Quince looks like.

I like the Happy Little Accidents cider and we had that at Christmas.

Happy Little Accidents from Posterity Ciderworks

Check out the NEW 2024 Homesteading Bundle from Permies, which has 35 e-books, courses, videos.

What I really liked:

  • The Backyard Forest Garden e-book
  • Agroforestry
  • Restoration Agriculture: Designing Your Perennial Farm presentation from Permaculture Voices by Mark Shepard
  • Permaculture Thorns, A Book About Trying to Build Permaculture Community, by Paul Wheaton.
  • Plus 2 books by Nicole Sauce.
Homesteading and permaculture bundle

Check out Thriver News – Thriving Community News, Without the Noise.



I elderberry plants, elderberry cuttings, comfrey crowns and root cuttings available. Adapted to the Midwest.

Seeds and trees have “memory”. They thrived and reproduced in a certain climate.

Often when you buy chestnut trees or seeds online, you have to buy from nurseries in the Northeast or Southeast US, or the Pacific Northwest.

Take it from us, trees grown in those climates do not do well in Kansas.

Buying from our Kansas homestead, with nut trees grown and adapted to the Midwest, will make them much more likely to be successful on your homestead or in your yard.

Order now at GrowNutTrees.com

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