Ep. 97 – Do You Feel Like Quitting?

What is a Homesteader anyway?

It’s Sept. It’s still hot. My Fall garden lettuce and greens will not germinate in this heat. I may run out of growing time before the first frost.

For my wife, Feb and March are the worst times. The horses are covered in mud and it seems like it will never end.

Is quitting OK?

Tips for when you feel like quitting – how to come back?

  • Failure is an option. Sometimes failure is telling you something.
  • Embrace the seasons. Breathe.
  • Take the time to relax and contemplate and plan.
  • Re-evaluate your goals.
  • Put it all into perspective. Trees take 5 years to grow before they produce fruit or nuts. For trees like hickory, it takes almost 10 years.

My goals are to grow as much of my own food as possible and to learn and share skills.

Seems like once a week I see a post about someone quitting homesteading.

The Slowsteading couple on Youtube sold everything and moved to Japan.

What is a “Homesteader”?

People are redefining “Homesteader” as:

A remarkable amount of people arguing lately about who is a homesteader and who is Larping, especially after off grid Guy Alaska posted a pic on Twitter of his native Alaskan wife washing clothes in the creek and it brought out the haters – from people saying that he was Larping, to the feminists who said that his wife was enslaved.

(“Larping” is Live Action Role Playing, like those dweebs acting out D&D live in the park, wearing fake Hobbit feet and play fighting with foam rubber swords.)

So what is a “homesteader”?

Maybe the deciding factor should be:
Homesteaders have poison ivy X number of times per year. 😆

I’m going on having poison ivy the 4-5th time, but it’s been a slow year.


Myself and others have been accused of “Larping” on homesteading because we have fulltime regular jobs funding our homesteading, and “you are Larping

Instead of titles, focus on goals.

My goals are to grow as much of my own food as possible and to learn and share skills.



Comfrey crowns and root cuttings are now shipping.

Order your chestnut seedlings now for shipping in Nov-Dec when they go into dormancy.

Chestnut seeds for planting, chestnut seedlings, elderberry cuttings, comfrey crowns and root cuttings. Adapted to the Midwest.

Seeds and trees have “memory”. They thrived and reproduced in a certain climate.

Often when you buy chestnut trees or seeds online, you have to buy from nurseries in the Northeast or Southeast US, or the Pacific Northwest.

Take it from us, trees grown in those climates do not do well in Kansas.

Buying from our Kansas homestead, with nut trees grown and adapted to the Midwest, will make them much more likely to be successful on your homestead or in your yard.

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Order now at GrowNutTrees.com

Get episodes early plus these Extras on Patreon:

  • More content and outtakes, including extras.
  • The bonus episode with Cyprian where he explains the small banking collapse and why it can be a risk for your crypto – even if you have it in a custodial wallet. Plus – what is a Cargo Cult?
  • Listen in on our chicken workshop as we plan incubating, sharing eggs, and processing roosters. Plus our rotating rooster strategy to select for the best traits and to keep diversity in our flocks.

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